OK... so I realize that sometimes I have a tendency to go a bit too far. Maybe I should have stopped at Mr. Jimmy's shirt? I couldn't the fabric is just too darn cool not to keep going. So, how far over the top should I go?
I used an old pattern I've used several times to make myself a mushroom dress.

Simplicity's 9557 is a pretty quick sew. Much easier than say.... a man's shirt.
I altered it a bit. I can't seem to resist the urge to make these things my own.

I added pockets again. I liked the way the elastic top pockets worked on the last dress so I included them here in contrasting mushrooms. You should be able to see the basic shape and size of the pocketty goodness in this shot. They're so easy to make.

Here are the pockets all installed and ready to use.

I also added a band of mustard contrasting fabric around the sleeve. I think I may have made it too long and will probably alter it to make it shorter.

Here is the almost finished dress. I still need to put in the back zipper. I think it might need some green tape around the waist with maybe two little bows placed at the darts. And I think I will shorten the sleeve trim a bit. I'll let you know how it goes.
*Added some alterations*
Slightly altered. I shortened the sleeve cuffs, added the waist band and the bows at the skirt darts. I like it a bunch better now. Just need a zipper and we can go out in style.