Just over a year ago, we lost Auntie M to cancer.
Her fight was long and difficult and she made us believe she'd beat it many times with her cheerful disposition and fighting spirit.
One of the last things she did was to make sure we all had a special personal keepsake from her. She had made small silver pendants on a
key chain that were shaped like a heart, each containing her thumbprint.
Auntie M was an artist and
crafter her whole life and inspired the need to make things in a whole bunch of us. We had to make these heart healthy thumbprint cookies in honor of her.
We will love ya forever Auntie M.
This recipe is in the current
Better Homes and Garden's Christmas Cookie Magazine.found on page #43

We made two balls of dough and p
ushed thumbs into them. Then pinched the bottoms to make a point. They look like little hearts.

Then we filled each indent with Presidents Choice Blue Menu Strawberry Rhubarb Jam.

This is what they look like after baking. we sprinkles them with a dusting of icing sugar before packing them up as gifts.