
Please click on the text to go to the tutorials. And leave a comment so I know what kind of tutorials you enjoy or don't like. Your feedback really helps inspire me.

Early Bird Necklace

Glowing Mushroom Mood Lamp

Another Rose, Painting with Polymer Clay

Frankenstein and The Bride Costume Build

No Melt Candy Canes With STAEDTLER fimo

Gold Leaf 101

Glowing Hand of the Witch Pendant

Necklace Building 101

Turning a decorative headpin

How to Turn a Locked Double Eye Pin

Alphabet Noodle Letters for Stamping Polymer Clay

Rose Cane Tutorial

Owl Pendant

Textured Heart

Matchy Stool Makeover

March Hare.... an Easy Brooch Project


Loly Rodriguez said...

gracias por sus tutoriales , tiene usted grandes trabajos y muy bien explicados.
Saludos. Loly

Kellie Mowat said...

Muchas gracias por las amables palabras Loly. Fue maravilloso saber de usted! :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all these great tutorials! I'm definitely going to try many of these out, especially the doll eyes. These really are so inspiring, I found my lost will of doing handicrafts again! :D

Kellie Mowat said...

You've made my week!
Can't wait to hear more.
Hope you stay tuned. We've got many many more to come!
Thanks so much for the happy words!

JMruiz fotografia said...

I very happy...you big job...hiper thanks...sorry inglis little