Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Oaknwich Lane Designs Made It With Me, The Mushroom Mood Lamp

The glowing mushroom mood lamp was on pages 44-47, in the April 2012 issue of  PolymerCafe Magazine
Back issues are available by following the link.

I used STAEDTLER's fimo effect translucent clay to create these luminous lamps. They were an extremely fun project to work on and I've had loads of feedback from folks who have tried it out. It really is the greatest thing to be able to see what folks do with an idea.

The extremely talented June Gallagher of Oaknwich Lane Designs wrote and shared these two pieces with me. Just in case you were wondering, both of these gorgeous works are available for sale at June's ETSY shop right along side some of her other spectacular polymer clay wonders.

June Gallagher is a spectacular artist. I'm tickled pink that one of Make It With Me's published projects helped (in a teeny way) her to create these fantastic pieces of home decor. Thanks so much  for sharing June!

June wrote the following:
"I was inspired to make these two sculptures using a combination of articles you wrote for Polymer Café Magazine.  For the stem of the mushroom, I used your wax melting technique featured in your Pin Up Ghoul Basic Ball-Jointed Doll.  And Your Glowing Mushroom Mood Light article gave me the idea to use Fairy Lights inside of larger mushroom caps with the battery pack in the base of the sculpt."