We've been working way too hard around here with no play in between. We have had to turn down all kinds of cool social events, camping with DOOM, good and true friend's birthday bashes, Pirates with Ira, mostly because I had commissions due. I love that there is so much creative work around for me and am gobsmacked that my little business is growing, but I have to remember to play with my friends every few weeks at least. We decided on a dinner party yesterday. Then this happened.

The Meatloaf!!!!
One pound of old cheddar on the inside, one pound of ground turkey (Trying to keep it healthy after the whole gallbladder failure and removal), two pounds of extra lean ground beef, one pound of thick cut bacon. I added peppers and garlic and spices and breadcrumbs and eggs to the meat before I wrapped the cheese with it.

We baked it for two hours at 325.

I used the electric knife my brother got me for
Christmas to cut it. Worked like a dream. The fork is three times the size of a regular fork. A giant one for serving. The meatloaf was ginormous!

We had some
retroish hors d oeuvres. Mini sausages in pineapple pepper sauce and a pinned pineapple with cheese and grapes. We also had layered jello and
frog eye ambrosia salad for desert.
Anybody want a meatloaf sandwich?

Sebastian needed an after dinner nap too!