We used the same techniques for this prosthetic as we did for the Zombie. They were both made the same year with mostly the same materials. The only difference was the addition of expanding latex foam for the monkey. We needed the foam because of the depth of the appliance. The monkey face stuck way out from Maggs face and needed filling so it wouldn't sag or cave in on her. We also decided we didn't want an appliance we had to spirit gum on. She wanted a mask she could wear and take off when she got hot or tired.
Here are the results and steps we took to get there.
Here are the results and steps we took to get there.

We made a cast of it at this point the same way we did the zombie prosthetic mold. Put the whole thing face up into a plastic bag lined box and put on a thin layer of Vaseline with a soft brush. Then we poured in some plaster and let it set. After we separated the two pieces we removed the plasticine sculpt so we just had the positive of Maggie's face and the mold of the whole prosthetic sculpt.
We drilled a hole in the face positive under the nose and above the top lip to relieve some of the pressure from the expanding foam. If you skip this step there is no where for the extra foam to go once it starts to expand and it ends up pushing the two molds apart.
We put three or four thin layers of latex on the inside of the prosthetic mold and the outside of the face positive to act as a skin for the foam. It's pretty pourous and doesn't look smooth.
Then we mixed up the foam, it was the first time using it, to say it reacts and starts expanding quickly is a vast understatement. It got HUGE immediately! So we poured the foam mix into the prosthetic mold and slapped the face positive into ot as fast as we could. We held it on there tight and wore gloves. The foam mix will stick to everything and never come off. Do this outside! It's smelly and if it gets on the good table there will be hell to pay.

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