It's been getting much harder to get a clear shot of anything with my camera. I might have to switch to video for the tutorials if I can't get it figured out. I'll keep trying.

I did clear sparkle tips with dark pink roses on the thumbs and ring fingers and a white rose on the pinkie of my left hand.

I'm still trying to get the acrylic mix right for sculpting flowers. It's pretty easy to make it either too runny or too dry and clumpy. It's going to take much more practice to perfect. I'm kind of waiting for warm weather so I can move the nail stuff to the garage. The smell of the acrylic is strong and it will be more bearable out in the fresh air. Thinking of going to gel nails. No smell, but it looks harder to control. We'll see.

I scored a bunch of new nail stuff from Sally's Beauty Supply in Waterloo last weekend. My Best buddy in the whole world helped me hunt down the shop! I acquired all kinds of polishes and shiny bits. Even got white acrylic powder there. But alas.... no monomer or gel supplies.

This shot is so blurry but I thought it might give you a basic idea of what I did. I sculpted the roses, added a pink thin smile line to the rest of the nails and then covered them in clear acrylic before filling and shaping them. I added lines and dots with my new white striper polish. Cool thin long brush in a white fast drying polish! I also couldn't resist some bling. I added rhinestones to the sides of each nail where the white lines intersect. I finished the nails with two coats of Insta-dry clear. I love the stuff. Nice thick durable coat that dries in literally minutes.
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