I finally put one of the kids rooms to good use. I saw
Tasha's new sewing space post on her
blog and was inspired to start one of my own. Here's how it's come together so far. I'm still pulling fabric and supplies from the basement storage area to put away in my new neat little cubbies. I hope to get more cubbies or shelving units in the future to store more patterns. I have hundreds. Oh, and the dozens of sewing books need someplace to live too. Right now they're in our bedroom.
I think this is where I'm going to keep everything for now. I like the table close to the window with the ironing board right behind me. I can swivel in my chair and iron bits I've just sewn without having to stand and walk over to another station. Very efficient!
I started by painting the room a crisp white. I plan on hanging projects in different stages of completion up on the walls and didn't want the paint colour to clash. This was Maggie's bedroom and she had painted it a warm brown with one turquoise wall. It was pretty and cozy, but white was needed for a sewing room.
Mr. Jimmy helped me put these cubbies together. We got them from Canadian tire and I think they were about $30.00 each? Tasha had hers two cubbies tall and three wide. I made mine taller so I could stand at the work space to cut things out without stressing my spine. This made my table top smaller by a foot each way, but it fits better into my room and I think it's still big enough to work on. I still like Tasha's better! If I could find three by three cubbies, maybe I could have used two of those on the ends to make the table a bit deeper.
The table top is an old hunk of MDF (medium density fiberboard) we were using as a worktable in the garage. I just covered it in some marble mactac, but we are looking into a self healing cutting surface to protect it.
George really likes the new larger work surface. He has much more room to hang around and supervise my projects. When I'm not using the room, he cuddles up in my work chair under the table. I can always hear him purring when I go in to start a new project so I know he approves.
I have hung a heap of my favorite patterns bunting style from twine with clips on one wall. I like to be able to see them all up there. Helps me plan the next projects out while I'm working on current sews. I really have increased how much work I'm getting done. I think I've made more things in the last two months than I did all of last year.

This is one of my favorite things about the new space. I can take pics of my current thread and fabric stashed before I go shopping. While out I can reference each section on my phone and no more overbuying the same colour or pattern. I'm still working away on getting all the ready to be sewn fabric and suppies up to the new room. The patterns are going to be the most challenging to put away. I have to look up some appropriate storage solutions for them. I would really like to be able to see them all at all times, but there are far too many for that. If you have any suggestions, I'm listening! How do you display/store your patterns? I sure would love to hear from you!
Obviously, one of the best new sewing room features is that the table can double as a baby fort! Lily LOVES to hang out under here and look at all the patterns.
A HUGE thank you to
Tasha and Mel for sharing their build with all of us. You two are always an inspiration.