Sunday, May 22, 2016

Swishy Dress

I scooped up this pretty peach lace a few years ago at a sale and finally decided it would be Lily's first swishy dress.

I like this Simplicity 5006 pattern. I't so fast to whip up and it grows with the child. Lily has two of these sets now. 

I made it a wee bit roomy. The pantaloons still fall off a bit.

Lily doesn't mind that they're a bit big. She likes to run in the dress. I think because it makes a pretty noise.

She's pretty happy about the outfit....

I have enough lace and satin left to make up a skirt for Lily's Mom!
We'll see if it's an acceptable idea. Maggs isn't really a skirt girl.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Keeping Busy

Life's been a whirlwind.

We've been enjoying new food. Loving the springtime fruit. Our blackberries have been HUGE!

The Lily's smitten with the dandelions. 

So many pretty at the local grocer's lately.

Even found time for some satin Lily knickers!

I think I'll join them.
Nap time anyone?

Monday, May 2, 2016

Spring Lawn

I seriously LOVE our lawn just before the first spring mowing.

All the blues and just opening yellow of the very first dandelions are so pretty. I hate to have to cut it all down. But if we don't it will become completely unmanageable. Won't it?

I saved a handful of the grape hyacinths from Mr. Jimmy's heartless mowing to cheer the bathroom window. Thank you Miss Flowerhead for holding them for me.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Magg's Has a Birthday and There's Cake!

Here are some shots of Maggie's Birthday Cake and Lily.
I haven't made piping roses fro ages but really loved making these.
I'll have to put some time aside to play with them again soon. It was really pretty relaxing.

Lily spent ages just sniffing them. Because that's what you do with flowers.

She figured out what they were for soon enough! Her Mommy didn't mind sharing the first bite. One of her Daddy's favorite things are icing flowers. Looks like Lily has the same genetic predisposition.

Lily and George have many conversations. I try to document as many as I can. Our George is getting up there. He's almost 16 now. He's still the guardian of the neighborhood, keeping the local wildlife off of his porch. 

She's always swiping our specs..... She probably wonders why she doesn't have her own like the rest  of us. 
Off to the shops in Stratford today to gather up supplies and work shoes. Maybe a burger or two....
Hope you're all having a fantastic weekend!