Monday, March 17, 2025

oh, HI!!!

Fancy meeting you here!!!!!
How's tricks? Are you doing ok???
It's been tough out there.....

If you are wondering, I'm still kicking.  So is the rest of our ramshackle crew. 
I think it's about time I start visiting here again.

So, if you are watching......

See you soon. 😘 

Monday, October 5, 2020

It's been a bit..... But things have been, unusual?

Things have certainly been interesting since I last checked in.....
We're about seven months into the Covid thing. 
We are now a four generation household. Still tucking in together to keep our frontline workers safe.
I got to reopen the nail salon a while back with safety protocols in place. I'm only up to about two thirds capacity. I made sure to get the nurses and teachers back in first. I feel like we owe them at least a bit of a pamper. 
Here are a few pics of the last half year or so. 
Hope they give you a wee peek at what's been going on around here. 

Loads of nail pics, mostly from fall design requests. 

I managed a back to virtual school dress for beastie. It looked HUGE!!! But it fits. She'll probably get a couple years out of this one. She helped redesign the original pattern. Took off the collar, reshaped the neckline and added pockets of course! The fabric is Michael Miller and I'm in love with it. 

More pretty fall designs. 

We've been cooking up a storm and experimenting with different noodle recipes. 

Loads of walks in our local woods. We even found some puff balls and had a fry up. 

I scored some fun holographic foils

Beastie's veg garden was fantastic!!!
It's still going strong. We're planning four raised beds in the front lawn for next year. 

Proof that I'm still ok.
Happy, healthy (knock on wood) and looking forward to a time that we can all be closer. 


Monday, June 10, 2019

Loads of Fun

We've been keeping busy with loads of fun stuff. The Salon is so full amazing clients that I'm still unfortunately, having to turn new clients away. Always feel bad about saying no. We've still found time for some amazing projects and adventures so far this spring/summer. 

Finished these stripey socks for Beastie. Now we're working on a solid yellow pair. She loves yellow.

We made it to the ROM!!! Hope to go back with the squirt before summer is over.

We adventured with Merc in TO for a couple of days. We NEED to do this more!!! Took the train and public transit. No driving and it was amazing. Saw the fashion district, ROM, Kensington for Pho, sat for drinks in a roof top pub, ate at way too many great eateries and saw Sarah Millican at the winter gardens theatre.  

Been producing loads of projects for publication too. Always playing at making. 

New dress from the fabric we scored in the fashion district with Merc. I LOVE IT!!!!

We celebrated towel day in style. Beastie couldn't see the spaceship we were trying to hitch a ride on. It was all very perplexing. 

Got my retro nails on. Bright red with a neon pink over the top. So very bright.

Collected forget-me-nots from our garden and encapsulated them in UV gel for jewellery. 

Loads of walks and visits to the park to fly the kite and blow bubbles.

Working on more of my maker sleeve. Plan to have this sit just inside my left wrist. They are my scissors and my Mom's knitting needles. Sketch is sent off to my very talented tattoo artist for finishing and improvements. I think I'll have to get her to add colour to this one. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Pasta Day!!!

We spent a day last weekend making pasta from scratch.
Beastie LOVES making pasta almost as much as she loves eating it!!!

We used the recipe on the back of President's Choices Black Label 00 flour.
We filled it with spinach and ricotta cheese then she wanted to add sharp cheddar (orange cheese) so we added that too.

Beastie was in charge of stuffing and fork marks to crimp the edges closed.

We made heaps of little pillows.

The extra pasta was turned into plain old noodles by putting it through the pasta roller.

We served it with a simple tomato puree and some sausage.

Her noodles were served with ketchup. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wizard of OZ Dress

I can't even begin to tell you how happy this dress made Beastie (and Me!!!). 

I showed her that she could put the different pattern pieces over specific designs on the fabric and she could change the look of her dress. We started with the front bodice and I let her choose what characters were going front and centre. She did the rest! 

Her favourite character is the witch! Beastie wanted to hide her because she's sneaky. She put the witch pictures on the back.


There was no way Beastie was going to stand still while wearing this dress. It's her absolute favourite! 

This is her second favourite!
Momma found two pillowcases at the dollar store and we made her a spinny dress with the same pattern her oz dress is made from. Didn't wash up as nice. Requires loads of ironing. But totally worth it. 

She rocked her wolf suit today for her field trip to a local farm.
It has fleece inside and heaps of pockets.
I expect them to be full of treasures when she comes home.

Matchy Shirts for Grandpa and Beastie

I used James' current shirt pattern and a 1950's boys pj top to make Beastie's shirt from this super cute nursery rhyme fabric that James picked out. I added piping and bibs to both shirts. 

This is Grandpa's shirt. I added blue buttons and piping from quilting scraps.

The 1950's pj pattern only had a one piece collar so I had to add the neck pieces like Grandpa's shirt. I also added details like pockets flaps (that were a bit too big but no one cares),collar piping and bib details to match his.

I think he was pretty happy with it.

They sure enjoy dressing up together.
The only real difference between the two shirts (other than size) is grandpa's buttons are blue and Beastie's are pink.

The blue brings out their eyes!!!

Just in case you were worried, I'm not neglecting myself. I made myself a new house dress too. But not so matchy....