Monday, August 3, 2015

Sweet Summer Giveaway!

We've been very excited to announce this special summer giveaway!

of our blog followers will each receive a Lily Fairy kit containing....

12 half blocks of various STAEDTLER Fimo flesh tones.....

Contest rules and regulations:


To win, you must follow this blog
You must leave a comment on this post.
You must live on the planet earth.

Contest winners will be drawn on August 30th 2015.
Draw will be announced on Monday Aug 31st, 2015.
You've all got another day to follow and comment!!!

Good luck!!!

A HUGE thank you to STAEDTLER for sharing these kits!!

Now, join and comment!!!


  1. I would love to learn how to make dolls. I would like to get good at it and donate dolls to hospitals

  2. What a wonderful idea!
    Remember, to qualify for the giveaway you must be a follower of this blog.

  3. How cute. I love mythical creatures and this is perfect for my collection.

  4. I would love to learn a new skill so that I could pose them in random places and scare my family members. Haha!

    I'm trying to sign up follow your great site but I'm getting errors.

  5. Hey there Emily C and Melissa!
    Welcome and good luck!
    We used to hide posed Fimo Fairies around the yard for my daughters to find.
    Thanks for shaking that memory out. I'd almost forgot it!

  6. Hi Kellie! Is your giveaway international? I stumbled across your blog while looking for FIMO tutorials with my daughter Lily. We love your crafting ideas, lots of inspiration. xx

  7. Welcome Lindsey! And Lily!
    The giveaway is open to all continents.
    So glad to have you!
    Best of luck!

  8. Found a pin of you on pinterest had to visit site i loved your glittery blue beads they are going on my birthday wish list the more i look at your site the bigger it gets. You are givin be some beautiful ideas.thank you

  9. What a pefect summer giveaway (including a new project / challenge ;) ). As you know, I follow your blog for some time now. Not from the start... but one to two years at least! :)

  10. So excited for the drawing. Keeping my fingers crossed. My boys are very into creating with their hands so this should be perfect for making minions to do their bidding. Bwahahahahaha!


Thanks for the note.