Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Painting the House

We've had our hands full lately with work and grand baby and minor decorating. I got my hands on some gorgeous paint made by a manufacturer in Toronto. (Thank you cousin Lindsay!) More on the paint later.

There will be so many more posts coming. Some posts about renovating, some about new publications, still more exciting posts about a fantastic giveaway.... Been planning this giveaway for weeks! You're going to LOVE it!!!

It's Canada Day! We celebrated by having some delicious red and white pancakes. Love it when our local strawberries are ready! 


  1. Happy Canada Day

    !Is it my imagination or is that one pancake shaped like a strawberry? :-)

  2. Right back atcha!

    The shape was totally accidental!
    I was in a rush, expecting company and just sloshed dollops of batter onto the grill willy nilly,



Thanks for the note.