Monday, October 8, 2012

Spooky Ideas For Halloween From Make It With Me.

Here are just a few of the Halloween ideas we've shared on the blog over the past few years. There are MANY more!!! I chose a few of our favorites and added links. Just click on the pictures and they'll take you straight to the original post.
If you want to see more just type Halloween into the search bar to the right.


  1. Oh I so wish I had the bat headband to wear for Halloween!! I don't suppose you would make and sell one would you?

  2. Unfortunately, I'm always over my head swamped. It's a good swamped though.
    You could totally whip up a set or two of these. They were really fun to make.
    Tonight I'm sewing matching fur onesies and hunting for black tights in extra king size...... Halloween parties start this weekend! How did the time slip by so fast!
    Let me know if you get some made. I would LOVE to see them!


Thanks for the note.