Sunday, October 21, 2012

Halloween Costume Reveal 2012 Batman and Batgirl.... The REAL Deal

 Well, here we are.
Another great Halloween party and we had a blast!
Here is the result of this years work.

We are Batman and Batgirl as seen through the eyes of a five year old who has never seen a movie.
Our utility belts held balls, disc guns, glow sticks, laser fingers. bubbles, and a drink n box. 

Here are some process pics if anyone wants to peek. We really had a blast this year. We started planning next years costumes in the car on the way home from the party.
Mom won the whole deal this year!
We couldn't be more proud.
I'll post her amazing costume with full instructions today or tomorrow.
Hope you folks are having a great Halloween season too!


  1. LOL! Love it! The expressions on your faces is the best!

  2. Thanks Suzanne!
    We are having a great Halloween season so far. Hope you are too!


Thanks for the note.